March 9, 2025
Bathroom Remodel & Improvement

How to Create a Stunning Bathroom with a Shoestring Budget

Naysayers might scoff at the title of this article, but they obviously don’t know what we do; you can create a stylish and elegant bathroom without having to take out a loan. How is this possible? You are thinking; with DIY solutions and trade prices, you can save hundreds of dollars, if not more!

Bathroom design

When it comes down to it, designing a bathroom is no different to any other room in the house and with free resources online, you can come up with your concept in diagram form. There are software apps to help you create 3D models of a bathroom layout, so there’s no need to hire a bathroom designer. Some bathroom suppliers have an in-house design team, so you can use their services, providing you purchase your supplies!

Create lists

Once you have your floor plan finished, create a list of major appliances such as bath, shower, vanity and toilet; create a second list for fixtures and fittings, which can be sourced from the online bathroom accessories website. Next is a list of tools and equipment you are going to need, items you don’t have can either be purchased or rented.

Trade prices

This is one way to save huge amounts; source a leading Australian bathroom supplies company that sells to the trade and start browsing their extensive catalogue. Cost each item and anything you can’t locate can be found by Google; cost the project and make sure your budget reaches this. If your budget falls a bit short, you can wait to acquire a few of the fixtures. One thing you don’t want to do is compromise on quality in favour of price.


The skills that you will learn will stay with you for the rest of your life and YouTube is your tutor, with step-by-step processes in short videos. Create a plan and follow it; work methodically and clean up as you go. Learn how to install tiles and connect appliances to the plumbing system by watching home improvement videos. You will feel great when your family complements you on your work and future projects can be planned, projects that test your DIY skills. Is there a right time to install aluminium siding? Click here to find out.

Connect with the professionalsContractor

There are seasoned DIY-ers who love nothing more than sharing their knowledge; find online forums for home improvements and you will get the best advice. If you have any specific issues, ask away on the forum; as time passes and you develop your DIY skills, you can take on more ambitious projects that boost the value of your home.

Costing a project is an important step; Google can help you with this by finding the best suppliers; some offer trade prices, which means you can save a few hundred dollars.

Home improvements are a wise long-term investment and most Australian homeowners try to complete one project per year. The summer is fast approaching, which is the perfect time to do some improvements.

Also, visit Home Design Looks for more quality information.

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